1. Furusato Nozei“Rice, Breads, Noodles” popularity ranking

Furusato Nozei“Rice, Breads, Noodles” popularity ranking

Ranking of popular the Gift of Thanks selected from the Gift of Thanks in the " Rice, Breads, Noodles " category. Introducing the top 10 items of the week/month!

  • Weekly ranking TOP10

    June 19th to June 25th, 2024

  • Monthly ranking TOP10

    May 27, 2024 - June 25, 2024

*We have ranked the most popular Gift of Thanks based on the number of donation applications and views among the Gift of Thanks listed on MOGUFULL by category.

*Both weekly and monthly rankings are updated daily (once a day). Weekly results are from the most recent 7 days, and monthly results are from the most recent 30 days.

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  • ・In this service, we provide information about Furusato Nozei with due care. We do not make any guarantees (regardress of express or implied) regarding accuracy, immediacy, safety, legality, purposiveness, etc. of the content. In addition, the Company will not be responsible for any damages or disadvantages to customers or third parties. Customers should use the information at their own discretion and responsibility.
  • ・This service cannot answer questions about donations and tax payments. Please contact the municipality, tax accountant, or other expert.