1. Koshihikari rice from Ayagawa-cho, Kagawa 10kg

Koshihikari rice from Ayagawa-cho, Kagawa 10kg

Ayagawa-cho, Kagawa Donation amount : 15,000 yen

Koshihikari, grown in the warm climate and clean water of the Seto Inland Sea, is a delicious rice that is chewy and sticky, and the more you chew it, the sweeter it becomes, and it doesn't harden even when it gets cold. When cooked, it has a lustrous shine similar to pearls.

※The image is an image.
*Product code: 59110284

  • Product contents: Koshihikari from Kagawa 10kg
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basic information
Product code59110284
category Rice, Breads, Noodles > rice
provider Kagawa Food Business Cooperative Association
Application/delivery information
Number of
As many times as you like
Acceptance period All year
All year
Donation certificate
Shipping schedule
After confirming receipt, we will ship the item, but if there are seasonal special products, shipping may be delayed.
deliveryAt normal temperature
Payment Method
credit card
As many times as you like

Thank the Gift of Thanks from Ayagawa-cho

Ayagawa-cho is working on various measures and projects with the aim of becoming an attractive and livable town.

We ask for everyone's support as Ayagawa-cho aims to create a future vision of ``Good People, Good Town, and Good Smiles - Ayagawa, where people live.''

Ayagawa-cho, Kagawa
Good people, good town, good smiles
Ayagawa-cho is located almost in the center of Kagawa Prefecture, and is said to be the birthplace of Sanuki udon.
The town has long been known as a source of high-quality rice, and there is also the ruins of Shukisaida, where rice was cultivated to be presented to the Daijosai festival for the enthronement of the Taisho Emperor, making it an easy-to-live town that blends rich nature with convenience.
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