1. [Glutinous barley from Aomori Prefecture, specially cultivated] (No pesticides or chemical fertilizers used) Tsugaru Mochi Barley Bihito 900g x 3 bags | Tsugaru Dietary Fiber [0343]

[Glutinous barley from Aomori Prefecture, specially cultivated] (No pesticides or chemical fertilizers used) Tsugaru Mochi Barley Bihito 900g x 3 bags | Tsugaru Dietary Fiber [0343]

Donation amount: 15,000 yen to Tsugaru, Aomori

*We apologize, but this item is currently out of stock*
Please note that shipments of the 2024 harvested barley will begin in mid-August 2024.
*Shipping may be delayed depending on harvest and weather conditions.

Tsugaru Mochi Barley "Minamihito" is a variety called "Haneumamochi" that is suitable for cold climates and is produced in Tsugaru, Aomori.
Haneumamochi is characterized by its chewy texture and is rich in beta-glucan (water-soluble dietary fiber), which is said to contain 25 times the amount of dietary fiber as white rice and twice as much as burdock.
Beta-glucan absorbs water in the body, swells, and travels slowly to the intestines, where it suppresses the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids, as well as cholesterol, and promotes the proliferation of good bacteria in the large intestine.

For this reason, barley is believed to be extremely effective for beauty, maintaining health, and preventing disease.
We at S-Kaze Farm Co., Ltd. would like as many people as possible to try our safe, domestically produced Tsugaru glutinous barley "Michihito," and we will work to help everyone maintain their health.

※The image is an image.

900g x 3 bags

  • Expiration date: ■Best before date: 365 days from the date of manufacture
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basic information
Product code5546784
category Rice, Breads, Noodles > cereals
provider Eskes Farm Co., Ltd.
Application/delivery information
Number of
As many times as you like
Acceptance period
All year
Shipment will begin in mid-August

*Delays may occur depending on stock availability, etc.
*We cannot ship to remote islands.
*Delivery may take longer during long holidays such as the New Year holidays, Golden Week, and Obon holidays.
Donation certificate
Shipping schedule
deliveryAt normal temperature
Payment Method
credit card
As many times as you like

the Gift of Thanks for donations from Tsugaru-shi

Tsugaru, Aomori
Japanese hometown advanced by the history of developing rice fields
Tsugaru-shi is the 9th city in Aomori Prefecture, and was born from the merger of the former Kizukuri-machi, Morita-mura, Kashiwa-mura, the former Inagaki-mura, and Syariki-mura.
Our basic philosophy is "Japan's hometown, colored by Nitta's history," and we aim to be "a vibrant town with hope for the future," "a town full of compassion and kindness," and "a town that feels proud and attached to its hometown.''
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  • ・This service cannot answer questions about donations and tax payments. Please contact the municipality, tax accountant, or other expert.