1. Uburadmen Bijin 1 box [0378]

Uburadmen Bijin 1 box [0378]

Donation amount: 6,000 yen to Tsugaru, Aomori

Dry noodles made with burdock grown by Tsugaru brand certified farmers and rich in dietary fiber that is good for beauty and health.
Enjoy the flavor and texture of burdock that spreads in your mouth.

■Items will be shipped approximately within 2 weeks to 3 months after payment is confirmed.
(However, there may be delays depending on stock status etc.)
■Expiration date: 1 year from the date of manufacture ■Business operator: Village Revitalization Base Building Flat

※The image is an image.
*We cannot ship to remote islands.
*Delivery may take some time during long holidays such as the year-end and New Year holidays, Golden Week, and the Obon period.

200g x 5 bundles

  • 7 Major Allergies (Body): Wheat
  • Special Allergy Note: The factory that manufactures this product produces products containing buckwheat, eggs, and soybeans.
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basic information
Product code32490
category Rice, Breads, Noodles > Others(noodles, assorted dishes)
provider Muraokoshi Co., Ltd. Base Building Flat
Application/delivery information
Number of
As many times as you like
Acceptance period
All year
Items will be shipped approximately within 2 weeks to 3 months after payment is confirmed.
(However, there may be delays depending on stock status etc.)
Donation certificate
Shipping schedule
deliveryAt normal temperature
Payment Method
credit card
As many times as you like

the Gift of Thanks for donations from Tsugaru-shi

Tsugaru, Aomori
Japanese hometown advanced by the history of developing rice fields
Tsugaru-shi is the 9th city in Aomori Prefecture, and was born from the merger of the former Kizukuri-machi, Morita-mura, Kashiwa-mura, the former Inagaki-mura, and Syariki-mura.
Our basic philosophy is "Japan's hometown, colored by Nitta's history," and we aim to be "a vibrant town with hope for the future," "a town full of compassion and kindness," and "a town that feels proud and attached to its hometown.''
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  • ・In this service, we provide information about Furusato Nozei with due care. We do not make any guarantees (regardress of express or implied) regarding accuracy, immediacy, safety, legality, purposiveness, etc. of the content. In addition, the Company will not be responsible for any damages or disadvantages to customers or third parties. Customers should use the information at their own discretion and responsibility.
  • ・This service cannot answer questions about donations and tax payments. Please contact the municipality, tax accountant, or other expert.