1. Tsugaru, Aomori

Tsugaru, Aomori Aomori Tsugaru-shi あおもりけん つがるし

Tsugaru-shi is the 9th city in Aomori Prefecture, and was born from the merger of the former Kizukuri-machi, Morita-mura, Kashiwa-mura, the former Inagaki-mura, and Syariki-mura.
Our basic philosophy is "Japan's hometown, colored by Nitta's history," and we aim to be "a vibrant town with hope for the future," "a town full of compassion and kindness," and "a town that feels proud and attached to its hometown.''
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List of the Gift of Thanks from Tsugaru-shi

Total 94 items (In descending order of donation amount)

How Tsugaru-shi uses donations

What is Tsugaru-shi like?

Tsugaru-shi is the 9th city in Aomori Prefecture, and was born from the merger of the former Kizukuri-machi, Morita-mura, Kashiwa-mura, the former Inagaki-mura, and Syariki-mura.
Our basic philosophy is "Japan's hometown, colored by Nitta's history," and we aim to be "a vibrant town with hope for the future," "a town full of compassion and kindness," and "a town that feels proud and attached to its hometown.''

What kind of place is Tsugaru-shi? Enlarged image

Town office/related information

Location Tsugaru-shi City outsources some operations related to "Furusato Nozei" to Sanyodo Co., Ltd. ≫
4-11-12 Ichinowari, Kasukabe Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture
Department Furusato Nozei return gift inquiry center
Phone Number TEL: 0120-96-5542
contact address info-c-tsugaru@sanyodo-net.co.jp
Official site -
Remarks *Reception: Weekdays 9:30-18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
Facebook -
X https://twitter.com/tsugarubrand

Call center information

Intermediate operator -
Phone Number -
Remarks -

What is Furusato Nozei?

If you would like to know more about the Furusato Nozei system and procedures, please click here.
We also provide notes on usage, information on tax deductions, and various Q&As. Before using Furusato Nozei, it is a good idea to keep this in mind.

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  • ・In this service, we provide information about Furusato Nozei with due care. We do not make any guarantees (regardress of express or implied) regarding accuracy, immediacy, safety, legality, purposiveness, etc. of the content. In addition, the Company will not be responsible for any damages or disadvantages to customers or third parties. Customers should use the information at their own discretion and responsibility.
  • ・This service cannot answer questions about donations and tax payments. Please contact the municipality, tax accountant, or other expert.